Responding To God's Direction -God Can Use You In His Plan!

God has a plan to reach the World for Christ and God can use you as you find your place in His plan. People often confuse their plan with God’s plan but God is never confused. Read the following passages of Scripture and then dig into and reflect on what the Apostle said in 1 Corinthians 3:1-9. It will help you to see how God can use you.

Scripture Passages: Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Mark 16:1-5; 1 Corinthians 3:1-9.

 We Must Realize The Task God Has Set Before Us In His Plan Is Bigger Than WeAre. (1 Corinthians 3:6). The estimated world population in 2023 is 7.9 billion people. No one person or nation can possibly reach all of these people with the gospel message of Jesus Christ.

 We Must Realize God Has A Method To Achieve The Results He Desires. (1Corinthians  3:6). God’s Method for us could be described as follows:    

     A.  We Must Keep Our Focus On Christ.  1 Corinthians 3:5

 The task given to us is about the Great Commission. The task is not about us           alone but about us as the Body of Christ. Each one in the Body is called to the task and is a servant of the Savior. God has a personal plan for each    Christian as they serve in the Body of Christ and deliver God’s gospel to the    lost people of the world.          

     B.  We Must Each Fulfill Our Task In God’s Plan.  1 Corinthians 3:5 

 Apollos – Paul – Peter – John – Barnabas – You – Me. God has equipped each Christian with different talents and Spiritual Gifts and has placed each of us in a place and position in the world where we can be used to take God’s gospel message to people who need the salvation God offers. The KEY is to       figure out where you plug into God’s Plan.    

Where has God placed you in the Body of Christ. Where do you live?  What talents and what Spiritual Gifts has God given you? What is your commitment level to serve Jesus, the Church, family and others?  To what area of ministry do you feel led by the Holy Spirit to serve in? What God has called you to do He will also equip you to do.

C.  We Must Function As A Team.  1 Corinthians 3:6            

When I first became a Christian and then became aware of the Great Commission I thought I had to do it all to see the world saved. God forbid! Thank God for His Wisdom in making ALL Christians responsible for carrying out the Great Commission. It takes all of us to carry out the Great Commission. Some GO to distant places in service for the King. But most         STAY HOME! Whether in a distant land or on home territory we must work together as a TEAM and find our NICHE; our part in God’s plan for us to serve Him.                                         

 Modern COMMUNICATION  and TRANSPORTATION allows us to            broaden our niches and offers untold opportunities for serving Jesus. The            Apostle Peter tells us that working as a team wonderful things can happen in      wonderful ways and God the Father will be praised through Jesus Christ, (1         Peter 4:10-11). Yes, God can use every Christian as a part of God’s Team.   

 D.  We Must Expect God’s Blessings. 1 Corinthians3:6.          

“God made it grow.”  “God gave the increase.” God’s command is to reap a      bountiful harvest field. God’s reward for obedience is a bountiful reaping. As     we serve God and are obedient to Him, God will give the increase, though it is not always in the manner which we expect. We need to remember that,             “With God nothing shall be impossible,” (Luke 1:37).                  

In conclusion we need to remember that Jesus came to save us (John 3:16) and Jesus came to send us (John 20:21). Where are you fitting into God’s plan? God can use you.