God Can Use You. Try This Three Step Plan.

STEP ONE:  Become a thoughtful reader of the Bible. A thoughtful reader of the Bible is a person who has purposed to dedicate time to read the Bible in order to understand  what God is saying in the Bible and what the passage of Scripture means in context.

 STEP TWO:         Reflect on what the Bible passage means. “This is the action of giving serious   thought or consideration of a matter; the action of bending or folding back to see things better; thinking aimed at achieving better understanding of what is being considered; an exploration and explanation of events, thoughts, or statements.” What does God want me to know? Is there an application for my life? How does God want me to respond?

 STEP THREE:        Ask this question: How can I live out the Bible in my life? Listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying to you. Be a doer of the Word and not just a listener only. Follow   your Spiritual Gifts and seek advice from Spiritual Leaders. PRAY AND SEEK GOD’S LEADING.



There are five key things every Christian who wants to serve God could and should do:

 1. LEARN all you can from God’s Word and incorporate it into your life.         

2. PRAY often for the guidance of the Holy Spirit concerning areas of service.           

 3. GIVE financially to God’s work and support the local church, missionaries             & Kingdom projects so God’s message of salvation can be proclaimed. Where your treasure is there will your heart be also.          

 4. ENCOURAGE God’s people as they serve Him. Money is great but the lack of money is not what so often affects people in God’s Kingdom work. Discouragement is probably one of the biggest hindrances to God’s Kingdom work. Find ways to encourage fellow Christians in the work of the Kingdom.

5. GO. Serve on the mission field around you, local or distant, with a short-term team, or a long-term team, or as an individual, for a specific length of time or on a project. If you cannot go a distance or serve locally because of  physical reasons or other circumstances then go by proxy. Support someone  who can go. Support can be in a lot of ways and not just by financial participation.         
