A Word About The Executive Director

Dr. Chuck Davis serves as the Executive Director of Daily Reflections On God’s Word. He and his wife Millie have served in the Pastoral ministry and as missionaries & church planters in the U.S. and to Caribbean people in the US and the Caribbean for many years.

 Chuck has been a leader in establishing local church Bible Institutes in the U.S. and a number of Caribbean countries. While in Pastoral ministry he also founded a number of Christian Schools. The teaching and proclamation of God’s Word has been a life-long passion in His ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ.

 The ministry of Daily Reflections On God’s Word has grown out of the daily devotionals written by Dr. Davis over a number of years and shared on Facebook and on ministry websites. It is Chuck & Millie’s desire to see people read, understand, reflect on and live out what God is saying to them in the Bible, the Word of God. This ministry is dedicated to helping people fulfill this goal.

  Six main points of servant leadership:

1.“Servants lead out of relationships, not by coercion.”

2. “Servants lead by support, not by control.”
3. “Servants lead by developing others, not by doing all the ministry themselves.”

4. “Servants guide people, not drive them.”

5. “Servants lead from love, not domination.”

6. “Servants seek growth, not position.”